When you "invest"
your money you are generally gambling on making money over a short or long
period of time, depending on the amount of 'risk' you have taken on. It is true
to say that you wouldn't normally expect to experience the mountainous swings
in fortunes that take place with the likes of casino gambling or sports
betting. It is also true however that you will generally be dealing with much
larger sums of money and the resultant real cash changes to your "investments"
can be the same as with the riskier side of your life.
In these
pages we look at some of the ways aggresive investors turn up the gas and
really gamble. It must be stressed that the word "investment" is dangerous. It
seems to have a wholesome nature to it yet there are no guarantees forthcoming
and we like the term speculation.
future investigations will be on Currency,
Stocks and Bonds. |